I'm Meg Walker and these pages hold a few of my photographs. Oh and this, in the photograph, is Alecto. She keeps me in check (and offers her services as model quite often - usually unwittingly). If you browse a while you'll soon realise that I'm most often inspired to lift my camera by the beautiful, weird, and often simple, scenes provided by nature. I am also, however, to be found with camera in-hand pretty much any time or place, whether rural or urban, alone, or in a social setting. The challenges of the technical camera settings and composition, teamed with the joy in capturing a particular light or moment in time, are what keep me passionate about photography.
I am also passionate about enabling others to discover more of their creative photographic side, whether by teaching them more about cameras, building confidence in the images they capture and enjoy, guiding them to actual locations, or just enthusing enough to persuade them to try a new activity! The joy of photography is not defined by how posh your camera kit is, or whether other people like your photographs - it is in discovering that you are able to take images which you take delight in both capturing and viewing yourself. I should warn, however, that it can become addictive.....!
Every photography session has its own unique challenges and joys, whether it is getting the perfect light to ensure the bride radiates on her wedding day, being in the right place at the right time to see a mother bird feeding her young, or taking the time to look not only forwards, but upwards, to capture the most interesting geometric, architectural, shapes within a cityscape. If you would like me to take some photographs for you, or to help you to take photographs of your own, please just fill in the contact form on the "About" page.